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Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit

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Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $2.00.

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $2.00.Add to cart



The online learning trend is here to stay, and if you want to start this business, you need the right website design that caters to it specifically. Abble is an online learning Elementor template kit to build a perfect website for offering online classes. Abble is your solution for building an online educational service by combining dynamic design, fresh look, and professional layout.

Why Using Abble Template Kit?

Abble offers the perfect layout and features to launch an online educational program or business. It offers multiple template pages with different functions, from promoting programs to scheduling courses. You can use it to promote online schools, training programs, intensive courses, and other similar things.

This education Elementor template kit has simple navigation to guide visitors of any age, from elementary school to university students, professionals, and retirees. The main page alone shows dynamic layouts with multimedia features, allowing you to advertise online courses or programs better.

Elementor theme is also known for constant updates and lightweight elements. Aside from looking stylish, your website will be regularly updated and provide a quick, no-bloated browsing experience for visitors.

Main Features

Here is everything you get when you download Abble template kit for the first time.

  1. Multiple Template Pages

    This online learning Elementor template kit comes with 27 template styles, each with a distinctive but consistent design to better serve your visitors. Standard pages include About, Contact Us, Blog, Archive, Coming Soon, Recent News, and 404. The more specific pages include Course Details, Instructor Details, special events, and many more.

  2. Featured Course Carousel

    Want to display your best courses right from the start? Abble has a carousel to show all your featured courses. You can display the most important information, such as the course title, lessons numbers, instructor’s name, price, and rating star. A great feature to market your best courses for new visitors.

  3. Good Layout Flow

    Every page and section has a clear, fresh layout design with good flow, allowing natural eye movements and browsing logic. The design allows visitors to find every information they need easily. Important notes are highlighted with color blocks, and visitors do not need to scroll far to find vital details.

  4. Animation Effect

    This online learning Elementor template kit has an animation effect, which improves the browsing experience. You will see the effects on photos and texts when the cursor floats above them. They encourage visitors to take action without distracting them.

  5. Detailed Course Information

    Abble offers two types of pages for promoting courses. The main Course page offers categories with numbers of courses listed, plus the carousel of highlighted courses. Meanwhile, the Course Detail page features individual classes with descriptions, schedules, curriculum, and other important information.

  6. Icons and Infographics

    Abble comes with handcrafted icons with thematic designs to make your website more attractive. It also offers dynamic infographics with animated effects to describe data and statistics.

  7. Detailed Instructor Pages

    Don’t hesitate to feature your best instructors or tutors. This education Elementor template kit has instructor pages that give visitors clues about your program’s credentials. Aside from standard information such as name, background, and expertise, the instructor page contains infographics that describe each instructor’s best qualities.


Abble also comes with full technical support, making it easier for anyone to set up a professional website. After purchase, you get six months of support to help with setting up the website, performing common troubleshooting, fixing bugs, and many more. The theme comes with a simple drag-and-drop function to build every website element; no coding skills are required.

Promoting online educational programs is one way to tap into the potential business market in this era, but make sure you have a professional website to convince future clients about your competence better. Download Abble now, an online learning Elementor template kit, to create a stylish, modern website without coding skills for your educational program.

FAQs of Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit

What is the use of Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit ?

Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit helps in to create a creative, responsive, fast and reliable website. Download It Now!

How to install Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit ?

1. Download Zip File
2. Insatll Required plugins
3. Go to Templates > Kit Library
4. Click on upload
5. Select downloaded file
6. Activate It
7. Use it and manage from saved templates section.

Download It NOW!

Do i get access Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit via membership?

Yes, of course. You get access of Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit and all other kits and upcoming kits access also via memberships.

Do i compulsory need Elementor to use Abble – Online Learning & Education Elementor Template Kit ?

Yes, you need compulsory elementor plugin on your website to use this elementor template kit. Download It NOW!
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